Building Blog #2

Here's part 2 of Building the RCP Mastering Studio. The next step was painting the room and laying new grey carpet. Here's a shot of the painted walls and the preliminary floor layout for the black inlays:

The speakers and housings are fantastic. Very well built, at a great angle and they sound very nice. They're slightly on the warm side, with nice full bass and silky smooth high end. For me, speakers are meant to be honest, detailed and easy to listen to, all of which they definitely are, I'm very pleased. :)

The next step is installing the carpet and changing the skirting, since the wood is very beat up and doesn't really fit the color scheme of the room too well.

Here's a shot with the carpet done and the aluminum skirting installed:

Now it's time to clean the Cable Trays and set up the equipment! So stay tuned!